These large, easy to grow annual flowers are your garden's best friend! Here on the homestead I harvest my Zinnia seeds by hand every year to replant but this year I want to spread the joy these flowers bring me.
These flowers are perfect for bordering a garden because they deter pests like Tomato Worms and Cucumber Beetles while attracting pollinators like Butterflies and Bees.
Personally, my favorite part about these plants is that they bloom for months and don't quit until the first frost in autumn. Typically I plant flowers, enjoy them for a couple weeks, and then that's that. Not with zinnias though! That's why I plant them anywhere I have an extra square foot of space.
They do well seeded directly into loosened soil too, Easy peasy! So from my home to yours, I hope you enjoy these Zinnias. ♡ Happy planting!