Purchase Policy 

By purchasing my hatching eggs you agree to these terms

✨️ Policy for egg purchases ✨️ Thank you for the interest in my hatching eggs! I like to keep things simple, fair, and stress free for both buyers and myself.

SHIPPING- I ship ALL eggs within 1-3 days of being laid for best hatchability,  if you need to reserve eggs for a specific date, no problem! Just let me know and after payment is received I'll mark you down for whatever day you choose. I cannot guarantee a reserved date without payment. I candle every egg before wrapping to check for fully formed single yolks, intact air cells, hairline cracks, and to ensure development hasn't yet begun. I ship every day of the week except Thursday (unless you're in indiana), as shipping typically takes 3 days and shipping on Thursday would mean your eggs are sitting at the PO on Sunday. The only exception to this is if I see that the temps in your city are going to be between 45-65 degrees the entirety of that sunday and Monday morning. This typically only happens in spring and autumn. In the winter I ship eggs with a heat pack only if the temps are below 30 degrees in my state as that is where the eggs will be in the first 24 hours of transit. I have to be careful when adding heat packs to not begin incubation prematurely.

SEXING- If you bought a clutch of sexlinks or an auto sexing breed from me and you need help sorting your chicks, message me and I would be happy to help.

EXTRA EGGS- I always try to include extra eggs incase of damage in transit.

REFUND POLICY- I am not responsible for anything that happens to your eggs once they leave my farm. I do everything in my power to provide you with optimal hatching eggs. I do not accept returns, or give refunds. I recommend that you choose to have your package held for pickup at the post office, as they are often times broken on their final stretch to your home. The delivery drivers can do over a thousand hard stops, and shuffle packages around in their vehicles for up to 8 hours before reaching your adress on their delivery route. I do not send replacements or refund for failed hatches. I hatch every couple weeks and my rates vary from 85%-100%. Fertility is not an issue.

CONTACT- If there is anything wrong with your order please reach out. leenamay.cottagegoods@gmail.com Thank you again for your interest! I hope to do business with you soon!