(PICKUP ONLY) $15 each
The French Black Copper Marans is a dual purpose utility chicken breed originating from Marans, France that is most known for its dark eggs. My line of French black copper marans lay mahogany brown eggs with speckles and a red tint in natural light. They are the friendliest standard sized breed I've ever raised and would be a wonderful edition to any barnyard.
This line of French black copper marans has a wonderful temperament towards humans, being naturally friendly and outgoing without much socialization. I have raised many marans cocks and while they have a tendency to be less tolerant with eachother (multiple roosters) they may be the only breed I've raised that never tried to have a go at humans. The roosters tend to be naturally friendly and trusting with us while simultaneously being fiercely protective of their flock from natural predators.
Egg Production- 150-200 yearly
Please check your email the day after placing your chick order so we can arrange a pick up date.